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I have not taken supplements before - where should I start?

Dietary supplements can seem like a jungle. At SPECNAZ we strive to help you as best we can. Since everyone has different needs and wishes, we offer personal advice via our email, which you will find in the bottom right corner. Our qualified healthcare agent are ready to guide you based on your lifestyle and your wishes. 

Is It Safe To Take Dietary Supplements?

It is important to buy high quality supplements from a reliable supplier. SPECNAZ has more than 14 years of experience in the production and sale of dietary supplements. Our manufacturers are all GMP certified and we test the products in independent laboratories, to ensure quality.

I take prescription medication - is it safe to take supplements?

As a general rule, you should always consult your doctor if you are taking prescription medication and also want to take supplements. We are not allowed to advise you about any potential interactions - this information you need to ask the doctor who has prescribed your prescription medication.

When is the best time of the day to take my supplements?

It depends on what supplements you are taking. As a starting point, we recommend that most supplements be taken with a meal and always with water. However, there are some supplements that are best on an empty stomach - eg Probiotics and GABA. You will find the specific recommendations for each supplement under the description of the product. If you are in doubt, you can always write to us at info@megaleafhealth.com

I have trouble sleeping, what can help?

We often recommend taking Magnesium if you experience difficulty sleeping. It has a relaxing effect on your muscles and body. If you have already tried magnesium, without obtaining the desired effect, please email us at info@megaleafhealth.com for further guidance.

How long is the shelf life of SPECNAZ's products?

Our products have a 3 year shelf life from the production date. You will find the Best before date at the bottom of each bottle. The products can safely be consumed for up to 3 years from the date of production, but the dosage decreases over time and we want you to get products with the specified dosage, therefore, we use only 3 years shelf life.

Where can I buy SPECNAZ's products?

Our products are sold exclusively on our certified distributors. we do have a few carefully selected Canadian stores that sell our products, who also offer qualified advice.